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Ron Hagelman

ron hagelman photo

Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator
Ph.D., Environmental Geography, Texas State University, 2002
Office: ELA 335
Phone: 512.245.8847
Vita     HB2504 information
Research Interests: Environmental Geography, Hazards and Disasters,Historical Geography, Land Management
                                                    and Conservation, Urban Environment / Agriculture


Connolly, M.H.A, and R.R. Hagelman, III. 2015. Management Implications of Spatiotemporal Non- stationarity in Municipal Water Consumption Patterns and Drivers. Applied Geography, No. 65:70-81.

Connolly, M.H.A, Hagelman, III, R.R., and S. Fuhrmann. 2012. Estimating Residential Carbon footprints for the medium-sized American city. International Journal of Applied Geo-Spatial Research.3(4):103-122.

Dahal, K.B and R.R. Hagelman, III. 2011. People’s Risk Perception of Glacial Lake Outburst Flooding: A Case of Tsho Rolpa Lake, Nepal. Environmental Hazards. 10(2): 154-170.

Gramling, R. and R.R. Hagelman, III. 2005. A Working Coast: People in the Louisiana Wetlands. Journal of Coastal Research, No.44: 112-133.

Lavy, Brendan L.A and Hagelman, III, R.R. 2016. Spatial and Temporal Patterns Associated with Permitted Tree Removal in Austin, Texas, 2002–2011. Professional Geographer. No.69: 539-552.

Lavy, B.L.A, Dascher, E.D.B, and R.R. Hagelman, III. 2015. Media Portrayal of Gentrification and Redevelopment on Rainey Street in Austin, Texas (USA), 2000-2014. City, Culture and Society. 7(4), 197-207.

Hagelman, III, R.R., Connolly, M.A, Zavar, E.A, and K. DahalB. 2012. Disaster Reconstruction and Business Geography following the 2007 Greensburg, Kansas Tornado. Environmental Hazards-Human and Policy Dimensions. 11(4), 283-302.

Hagelman, III, R.R. 2010. Welcome to the Nuclear Neighborhood: Victoria County in Comparison to Current U.S. Nuclear Power Counties, Journal of South Texas Studies. 20: 70-87.

Holtkamp, C.B, Shelton, T. B, Daly, G. B, Hiner, C., & Hagelman, II, R. R. 2015. Assessing Neolocalism in Microbreweries. Papers in Applied Geography, 2(1), 66-78.

Laska, S., Wooddell, G., Hagelman, III, R.R., Gramling, R., and Farris, M. 2005. At Risk: The Human Community and Infrastructure Resources of Coastal Louisiana. Journal of Coastal Research, no.44, 90-111.

Skupin, A. and Hagelman, III, R.R. 2004. Visualizing Demographic Trajectories with Self- Organizing Maps. GeoInformatica. 9(2), 159-179.

Tiefenbacher, J. and R.R. Hagelman, III. 2008. Emergency Cooperation between the USA and Mexico in Disaster Management: Codependency and Geopolitics. International Journal of Emergency Management. 5(3/4), 261-274.

Tiefenbacher, J. and R.R. Hagelman, III. 2004. California Citrus Freeze of 1998: Place, Perception, and Choice. Natural Hazards Review. 5(4), 179-187.

Tiefenbacher, J. and R.R. Hagelman, III. 1999. Environmental Equity in Urban Texas: Race, Income, And Patterns of Acute and Chronic Toxic Air Releases in Metropolitan Counties. Urban Geography 19(6), 516-533.

Watkins, A.A and R. R. Hagelman, III. 2010. New Orleans Social Geography through the Lens Of Hurricane Katrina. Southeastern Geographer. 50(1): 110-132.

Yorke, C.C.B, Zhan, B.F., Lu, Y. and R.R. Hagelman, III. 2015. Incorporating Evacuation Potential into Place Vulnerability Analysis. Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk, Vol 6:3, 195-211. doi:10.1080/19475705.2013.832406

Zavar, E.MA, & Hagelman, III, R.R, Lavy, B.LA and B. PrinceA. 2017. Land-Use Change at Temporary Group Housing Sties in Post-Katrina Louisiana. Natural Hazards Review, Vol. 18:3.

Zavar, E.MA, & Hagelman, III, R.R. 2016. Land Use Change on U.S. Floodplain Buyout Sites, 1990-2000. Disaster Prevention and Management. Vol. 25:3, 360-374.

Zavar, E.MA, & Hagelman, III, R. R. 2017. Resilient Landscapes: The Reconstruction of Southeastern Connecticut Following the 1938 Hurricane. The Professional Geographer. PG-2016-0101.R1 Accepted 10/10/17, Editor: Barney Warf.

Courses Taught:

Environmental Management, Graduate Managing Urbanization, Graduate
Cities and Urban Design, Undergraduate Advanced Research Design, Graduate Urban Environment, Graduate
Geography of Natural Resource Development, Graduate Land Management, Graduate
Environmental Management, Undergraduate
Hurricane Katrina: Special Topics Seminar, Undergraduate/Graduate Environmental Hazards, Undergraduate
Urban Geography, Undergraduate
World Regional Geography, Undergraduate Geography of US & Canada, Undergraduate