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Online Learning Units

A World Transformed: The Geography of Southeast Asia

The Texas Alliance for Geographic Education developed a free on-line learning unit to assist teachers in providing a rigorous level of instruction on geographic concepts to high school students. Although this unit is focused regionally on Southeast Asia, content is provided within six geographic modules - physical geography, culture and religion, economic geography, environmental degradation, climate change and impact, and globalization. Each module is supported with background information, videos, and instructional materials. Click here to access.

Local to Global: Geographic Connections

This is a fully developed learning unit created by the Texas Alliance for Geographic Education and designed to provide rigorous, in-depth lessons on geographic concepts for 4th-8th grade students and teachers. This series of lessons informs students about the often-overlooked connections they encounter every day, exploring how and why people, ideas, and objects share links through space and time. This unit has a strong regional focus on Texas and the United States and also includes global extension topics. The content provided within the five geographic modules (Spatial Skills, Physical Systems, Human Systems, Places and Regions, and Environment and Society) includes case studies, state and national standards, embedded media and online resources, lesson planning, and much more. We have moved access to this unit. Click here to access.

This project is funded in part by a grant from the National Geographic Society Education Foundation.